Manchester brochure design

Looking for Manchester brochure design? We can help! We’ve been working with clients for more than ten years, producing great brochure design.

Our involvement ranges from full project management of brochures, including editorial contributions, content writing, interviewing staff and stakeholders, commissioning and accompanying photographers and of course full design services. We can be there throughout the project, or dip in for the support you need, when you need it.

Have a look at some of our brochure design below:

Association of University Administrators

We’ve been supporting the AUA for eight years, and in that time have designed brochures and newsletters for its large membership. These include Newslink, AUA Conference Brochures and CPD training brochures.


The University of Manchester

As well as working in-house at the University for six years, producing prospectuses and guides, we have continued our relationship as suppliers. We’ve worked on 40-page marketing brochures including EPS News and Your Manchester as well as On Devo and Health Devo.

Lee Westwood Golf School

We supported Lee Westwood Golf School to provide brochure design for several of its courses. Here’s the BTEC brochure, and Golf Performance brochure.


We’ve worked with several schools in Manchester and Cheshire to design prospectuses and welcome guides.

Claire House Children’s Hospice

Our most recent client is Claire House Children’s Hospice in Bebington, Wirral. We are currently producing its supporter newsletter.

Give us a call or drop us an email and we’ll be very happy to come to see you, discuss your project and provide a competitive price and a quality service.